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40s and 50s, the best ages for sex
When you turn 40, the changes you experience as a woman with your hormones, mood changes, loss of breast tissue, can decrease…
As you turn 40, the changes you experience as a woman with your hormones, mood swings, shrinking breast tissue, can lower your self-esteem and affect your sex life.
You should know that you can enjoy middle age and not notice these physical changes as a negative experience, especially in the sexual aspect , because the maturity of your mind and body can be aligned to achieve fullness and enjoy your sexuality like never before. Even if your body at 50 doesn’t look like when you were 20.
It is essential that you recognize yourself as a beautiful woman , regardless of the physical characteristics that may have changed from the way you looked at yourself at 20, in full youth. Self-esteem and self-confidence are a characteristic that must take precedence, it is not a difficult task since women between 40 and 50 usually know everything about themselves, their strengths and weaknesses. Thus, their complexes may have already been overcome, being able to comfortably “coexist” with them.
There is a misconception that as people get older they lose interest in sex. This is a complete misconception because there are many studies that indicate that adults over 40, and especially 50, have hectic…