6 personality traits of lonely people

Amelia Mia
3 min readMay 9, 2022
Photo by Guilherme Stecanella on unsplash

What are the 6 particularities of people who like to live alone?

Living alone can be a choice, but sometimes also a destiny. People are not always ready to live alone, but they find pleasure in it. Mainly because they no longer feel the discomfort or inconvenience of others. There will be no one to fight for the remote control and the food in the fridge.

Most of the time, people feel free to move and behave when they are home alone, no one will come and scold them for anything. In the long run, living alone can become more difficult if we don’t take the right steps. The first reason is above all loneliness , because it is likely that the man needs to argue, to share moments of joy like bad times. There is no shortage of studies reporting the negative consequences of loneliness on the human body and mind. However, it is possible to learn to live alone .

If solitary people are often perceived as strange, they very often have above-average intelligence and surprising faculties. If you consider yourself lonely or you don’t understand a lonely person, this article will help you better understand yourself or the other.

We leave you here 6 peculiarities that people who prefer to live alone have .

1. They think more



Amelia Mia
Amelia Mia

Written by Amelia Mia

Writer, tools for thought,tips/thoughts/general hellos

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