The mask within us: appearing towards being

Amelia Mia
2 min readJan 29, 2022
Photo by Alex Iby on unsplash

The person is a complicated system of relations between the individual conscience and society , a kind of mask that serves on the one hand to make a certain impression on others, on the other to hide the true nature of the individual. Originally the person was the mask that the actor wore and that indicated the part he represented. Society demands, must demand, that each one represents his part as best as possible . Behind the mask the so-called private life is born. The world induces a certain way of behaving and those in professional roles force themselves to conform to these expectations. The risk is only to become identical to the person: The professor to his textbook and the tenor to his voice. With some exaggeration it could also be said that the person is not what one really is, but what he and others believe him to be.

The needs of a couple or a family can lead to the formation of different people, thus creating a wide repertoire of masks , which are used in specific social situations. The origin of the person lies in the expectations that can concern both private and professional roles; identification with these expectations can also take place in the sphere of the unconscious, therefore it becomes difficult for the individual to distinguish which of the characteristics exhibited on the outside are authentic, or rooted in his own personality, and which are…



Amelia Mia

Writer, tools for thought,tips/thoughts/general hellos